Programming Paradigms

Programming Paradigm 

What Is Programming paradigm?

  •   Programming paradigm is a way of classifying programming languages according to their features and way of achieving goals.
  •  A programming paradigm is a way of thinking about and structuring a program's functionality.
  •  A Programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming.
  • Programming paradigms differ from one another, for example in how the program's execution and control are defined and what components the programs consist of.
  • Most programming languages ​​that are currently in use support multiple programming paradigms.

There are two main different paradigms are emerged for programming languages in different time periods. They are,

       1.Imperative Programming Paradigm

       2.Declarative Programming Paradigm

Types Of Programming paradigm

1.Imperative Programming Paradigm

This is the oldest and most traditional programming paradigm. This paradigm is developed with emergence of machine and assembly language which is suitable for stored program concept of V on Neumann computer architecture.

  • Procedural programming paradigm

     Describe the details of how the results are to be obtained, in terms of the underlying machine model. The procedural programming paradigm is where program code is divided up into procedures, discrete blocks of code that carry out a single task.
 For example, to develop a simple Bank Account App procedurally: Creating an account for an individual (account ) Getting an account to deposit or withdraw funds (get Account  , deposit , withdraw )

  • Structured programming
 Structured programming is a paradigm that aims to make programs easier to comprehend from a reader’s point of view.

  • Object oriented programming paradigm

  Object oriented programming paradigm is derived from imperative paradigm and OOP concepts. OOP concept is writing computer programs considering objects and their relationships. Some of the most widely used object-oriented programming languages are Java, C++, and Ruby. 


2. Declarative Programming paradigm
  • Declarative programming paradigm can be divided into two types.

Ø Functional Programming Paradigm

    Functional programming is based on mathematical functions. In mathematics, function is a rule, expression or law that has a specific output with one or more inputs.
 Functional programming languages include: Lisp, Python, erlang, Haskell, Clojure , etc.

Ø Functional logic programming

Functional logic programming paradigm includes both functional and logical concepts.


Database Management language paradigm
Database management language is a type of declarative programming language for creating and controlling database systems.
Mainly, there are two paradigms of database management languages. They are structured query language (SQL) and NoSQL.


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