To overcome challenges stop comparing yourself to others
Nowadays most of us try to imitate someone else life and in that way, we almost forget who we really are. Society has created so many standards in just everything. It’s all about our mindset, it’s ok to fail sometimes because the important thing is whether we tried our best or not. You don’t have to fit into any standards. You would shine in the spotlight if you stand by your own standards. So appreciate your skills and try harder to get better at things you want.
comparing yourself to others. You do have your own life and your problems. Everyone
does have different issues. One should appreciate himself, and value himself. It’s
all about the spirit and determination, we have when we are really into something.
You have your own style, attitude and problem solving, etc. Like that, everyone
has their own way. Nothing can kill you other than your own thoughts. Comparison
is the worst thing you can do to yourself. You shine differently. we waste precious energy focusing on other people's lives
rather than our own. Comparing
our lives to others makes it challenging to see the good things we already
have. If you focus on how great someone else's life is, you may not be able to
look around and see that you have good friends, a loving family, a job you
like, or whatever else makes you unique.
Let’s look at our life with a positive determined mind. Focus on your strengths. use comparison as motivation.
Count your blessings. Notice Your Thoughts. Practice Self-Compassion.
Author: M.S Zaky Ahamed
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